Monday, May 20, 2013

Finally Time

Oh my goodness. I've been so busy since I got out of school it's crazy. This is the first time I've actually had the time to sit down and write an entry.

I'm back at work, so that has been taking up most of my mornings. I have graduation ceremony from high school this Friday and I've been trying to get all the stuff for that settled. I've finally got everything situated but my tickets and I'm picking those up today. I've also been spending some time with my dad after work recently. And I've been picking up my sisters from school a lot since I got done with school.

So as you can see I've had a good little plate full of things to do. I've been able to write in my journal at work whenever I got a spare minute, but I've not really got the chance to blog until this morning.

I walk in graduation Friday night. I'm not really as excited as everyone else who is still at the high school, though. I guess it's just because I'm already in college so it's kind of like, what's the point? I just want my diploma so that I can be done with that school and no longer have personal ties to it. Lol.

I've been racking in some cash for graduation though, which is pretty nice. I went to two church ceremonies yesterday and got over $200 total. WOW! And I haven't even recieved replies to all of my graduation announcements yet. So it's looking like my spare money for vacation week after next will be funded from graduation. Haha.

I'm really glad for the time I've been spending with friends, too. My friend that I've wrote about a couple of times beore, "Susan," is doing well and has changed for the better so much. She and I have been spening a good bit of time together. We spent some time together yesterday and after I get off work I'm going to her house today and then tomorrow she, Jenn, and I are going swimming. Woot! I've spent a couple days and nights with Stefanie, too. It's been really nice to spend time with her again since I haven't seen her since I left high school. Plus it was very comforting that she remained my friend after so many of my so called friends stopped talking to me after I graduated early. :P

Well, anyway. I start babysitting next week, too. So hopefully I will have plenty of things to keep me busy this summer and I'll be making a good bit of money as well.

I guess that's all that I really have to talk about right now. I should have a little more time to blog this week and the rest of the summer now, so until the next time, I hope y'all have a good start to summer!!

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