Thursday, February 28, 2013

Sometimes All a Girl Needs is a Good Cry

Yep. And I sure did have myself one today.

Lately I've been struggling with coming to terms with "adulthood" and what that really means for me. For me, it meant giving up dreams of being a writer (or anything else in the artistic career field) and staying in Columbia, MS. At first that really upset me, but I'm starting to come to terms with it. The biggest thing that bothers me is all of the expectations my family/friends/whoever else have for me. They all think I should be someone big and successful in a huge town, but that's not really what I want . . .

My biggest dream? A family. I want to be a wife and a mom more than ANYTHING else in this world. I'd give up my beige heels to be married to the love of my life right now. For those of you who don't know, those are my FAVORITE shoes and I've got a massive shoe addiction anyway. :P

So settling in Columbia as a preschool teacher or maybe someday a kindergarten teacher is just fine with me. My life with Matt and our future children means more to me than any journalism career in New York City.

Now the hardest thing for me to deal with is that for the next couple of years I'll still have to stay in school and not be married. Yeah, that really sucks. I freaking hate it, but I've gotta just be patient. Someday I'll graduate college and marry Matt, but right now I just need to come to terms with the fact that this is my life at the moment. One day I'll have those things I want so badly, but patience is a virtue. One I've gotta learn to adapt to. Lol.

Monday, February 25, 2013

Traumatic Dramatic

So my weekend has been pretty full and a bit hectic . . .

Friday, first of all, on the way home from school I wrecked my car. I wasn't hurt and the car is mostly fine. There are some scratches in the paint, but they can probably be buffed out. No big deal. :P Honestly, I think it scared me more than anything. Haha. But I mean, it was my first wreck. Ever. Lol. Who WOULDN'T be scared? Gotta love those wet roads and the amazing antique muscle cars, like the one I own, that tempt you to drive fast anywhere and everywhere. Bleh.

Anyway, my car is in the shop this week while I'm at school for some mechanical stuff. My dad (p.s. our relationship is continually improving! woot~) wanted to put it into the alignment shop because my steering wheel was vibrating after the car was pulled out of the ditch. It's also making a couple weird noises, so we had to make sure it wasn't gonna blow up on me while I was driving down the road.

However, one good thing did happen Friday. :D

Matt and I went to Hattiesburg after we got my whole car situation fixed. And . . . . . . WE PUT MY WEDDING DRESS ON LAYAWAY!!!!!!!! HECK YEAH! Now we've only got three more payments to make until I'll have it hanging in my closet and awaiting next summer when I wear it down the aisle and become Mrs. Turnage. <3333

Saturday was a lot less dramatic and wreck-free. I got my hair dyed again. It looks really pretty. Right now it's kind of a darker burgundy thing, but I've got some red hair shampoo to draw out the red in it, which is really what we were aiming for. It's still fine, it's just a bit darker than I had expected it to be.

That night I had a girl's night with my bestest friend ever, Lakin. We went out to eat and then saw a movie. The food was amazing. LITERALLY drool worthy. And almost orgasmic. We ate at O'Charley's. I had the bayou tilapia, and I have to say that it was the best grilled fish I've ever had in my life. I'll be going back again for that. The movie we saw was great, too. We saw Side Effects. At first, we were both a bit confused, but when things started the actually make sense in the plot, I was hooked. I recommend it highly. :] (WARNING: there is one small and very short scene with nudity.)

Sunday was mostly a chill day. Church was really the only big thing on the agenda. Went grocery shopping. Came to school. That was it.

Well, that's my weekend in a nutshell. This week holds quite a bit for me, so I'll try to keep my blog up to date on all that happens and goes down. Let's just hope it doesn't end in a wreck because I rode to school with Matt. And I think he'd cry if he wrecked Thor. Legitimately cry. Like a baby. Sigh. Men and their trucks. :P

Anywho, thanks for those of you who are still tuning in to read! I really appreciate your support!! :]

Tuesday, February 19, 2013

Good Beginnings

Always a good thing to start something new, but it's ESPECIALLY good whenever it turns out to be a great new thing. :]

In my case, it's been two or three new things that I have gained or started in my life. Might as well say three I guess. Lol. I'm so happy with all of them and hopefully it'll change a lot of things for the better.

First of all, I made new friends!!!!!! I moved into my new friend Raven's dorm room this past Sunday and she's introduced me to several of her friends. All of them are so cool and super funny. They're all so fun to be around and I'm loving having girls to hang with. I met her and another new friend of mine, Jenn, in one of my classes and we've been getting closer and closer every since. And I see me getting pretty close to the other friends Raven introduced me to, too. So YAY!! :D

The next two can kinda be grouped together but I'll just separate them.

Matt and I have been going to the gym a lot more and it's already starting to show great results. We're gonna start going Mon.,Tues., Wed., and Thurs. instead of just going on Mon. and Wed. like we used to and I think it's gonna be really beneficial to us both. I know I'm in pretty good shape, but I have some fat in a couple places around my midsection that I'd like to lose, so that's what I'm working towards. I already feel really great about it, too. Of course exercising puts you in a better mood and it's definitely doing that for me. It's also supposed to give you more energy so I'm looking for that to kick in soon 'cause I'm kinda in need of that one. Lol

Along with our working out, we're going on a diet together. Well, kinda. We're really just eating a lot healthier to help us lose weight along with exercising. I've always liked healthy eating anyway, so now that he's eating the way I usually do it's so much easier. He's kinda like a little motivator to me doing it more regularly. I'm his motivator/coach in this new way of eating. It's pretty much a whole new thing for him. It's not like he ate gobs of fatty food or anything before, but he's not used to eating grilled chicken instead of fried for example. So it's little changes like that, but they'll definitely help us lose some extra pounds.

With so many new things going great for me it's motivating me to try more and more new things, so maybe these changes will be good for me in more ways than one! I've really been itching to pick back up with my novel (I kinda let procrastination get to me on that one) and even get back to painting. The document and my notes are still on my computer so there's not much stopping me there. Plus I've got tons of canvases and paint lying around at home. It's about time I put them to good use. Who knows? I may be reviving a lot of old habits and hobbies now.

Well, I can certainly say that things with school are going great. I'm still totally loving college. It's about a million times better than high school was for me . . . All is well right now and hopefully it'll stay that way.

Thursday, February 14, 2013

Valentine's Day!!

So some people love it, some people hate it. I'm neutral. Lol. I've been lucky enough to have been in a relationship for at least the past 5 or 6 years on V-Day so I have not experienced the whole lonely on Valentine's Day thing. Which I guess is a good thing, but even if I had I don't think it would have crushed me. :P

This week back at school has been short and fast. It went by a lot quicker than I had expected it to. I've had a good bit of homework though which has sucked of course. Tomorrow I've only got two classes though which is AWESOME! However, not awesome is that I have one at 9 and then the other isn't until 12. Bleeehhhh. That means plenty of boredom for me in between the two.

Also, (P.S. NERD ALERT) I had a bit of disappointment this week . . . It was while I was still home, but whatever. Lately I've been thinking that I'd really like to get back into the Pokemon TCG - trading card game. So I started looking for my epicly awesome grass/psychic deck and could not find it anywhere. I was so sad. There was a LOT of time and thought and money put into that deck and then now it's just gone. BUT! There's an online TCG which is pretty decent and it allows you to create your own decks if you want and I'm hoping I can recreate mine. Lol.

Ok yes. I'm a total dork for the above paragraph. I know, I know, but it had to come out at some point in my blog. Or maybe you'd already figured that out. Who knows. :P

Well, I hope all of you have had an awesome V-Day! And if not, then here you go: -insert virtual hug here- There! Now be happy! :D

Tuesday, February 12, 2013

No. Just No.

Ugh. I've had a good break and now today I have to go back to school. Classes don't start until tomorrow morning, but I'm still not happy about going back this afternoon. :P

BUT! On the bright side, I'm feeling better! :D

Yes. After about a whole week of waking up puking and not being able to eat much of anything besides peanut butter or crackers, I'm feeling much better. I'm really happy about that, too. Because I was seriously getting annoyed with people asking me if I was pregnant . . . When you're 18, trying to make it through college, not even thinking about having a baby ANYTIME SOON, and you're on Superman birth control (Implanon - I have heavy praise for it) it gets pretty old when EVERYONE automatically looks at you and says "are you pregnant?" GAAAAAAAH! It got to the point that I wanted to just scream at people and be like "NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!"

Haha. That just reminded  me of a Walking Dead joke . . . :]

ANYWAY, I've had a nice time off sitting on the couch with Matt watching multiple hours of The Walking Dead and doing just about nothing. It's been pretty amazing.

Alas, tomorrow classes will start again and I'm sure I'll have classwork to do that will make me wanna pull my hair out, but I'll do it anyway because I want to get my freaking basics out of the way already. (Plus I seriously don't want to face the wrath of my mother if I fail any of those classes and we have to pay for me to take it over again. That would be bad. VERY. BAD.)

Don't melt in the rain everyone! And watch out for more crazy scary tornadoes :P

Wednesday, February 6, 2013

Waiting on the Weekend

Yep. I have a lot of plans with Matt this weekend and I'm really looking forward to them, because it's supposed to be a weekend of just us time. But I'll get to that later.

Today I had my second public speaking speech and it went great. The first one's out of the way and now this one, and it certainly was easier this time than it was on my first one. I think at first I was just nervous and now that I've been up there once before, today was just not that big of a deal. The only thing I was worried about was getting my time and an A. Not really sure when I'll get my grade, but hopefully it'll be Friday.

I'm also feeling a great deal better than I was. I did get sick again last night, but besides not having much energy today, I feel fine. I'm gonna try to eat a lot of protein packed foods over the next couple of days though and maybe that will return me to my normal self. :P

Now for the future plans!

First of all, tomorrow I've got a whole day of homework planned (gag . . .), but then that night I'm having a movie night with my friend girls, Raven and Jenn! I'm so excited to be getting closer with them. Of course they'll not replace my high school friends, but at least I have some great girls to hang out with in the meantime. :]

Also, this weekend Matt and I have plans together. He's taking me out on a date Friday night which I'm really looking forward to because we haven't had a date night in a while. He kinda surprised me with it, too. I really love it when he does that. It's always so sweet to me whenever he just plans a date for us out of the blue. <3

I'm also supposed to be spending a lot of time with him this weekend since the past two weekends we've kind of been with our friends. I'm really looking forward to it though. Of course I'm always happy to spend more time with my love.

Next Monday and Tuesday I don't have class. WHICH IS GREAT! I probably won't come to the school until Tuesday afternoon or maybe even Wednesday morning. I've got some work due on Tuesday (Gotta love English teachers and their lack of respect for time off and away from school and all its demons), but I'm planning on getting all that mess done tomorrow so that I will have nothing to worry about over the break. Ahhhh.

So as of right now, I really am just waiting on the weekend. It's only a day and two classes away for me and then I'm out of Poplarville and back in the comfort of my home in Columbia for a whole five days. :]

Monday, February 4, 2013

Blah Blah. I Can't Think of a Title.

So my weekend was pretty great. I spent it with my best friend, Lakin. I stayed at her house Friday and Saturday night and it was really great. :]

HOWEVER, I unfortunately have been pretty sick the past couple of days. I'm not really sure what I've been sick with, but it has been very unpleasant to say the least . . . Today just going to class was a bit of a struggle for me. I've been very weak and exhausted, but I plan on getting lots of sleep tonight and hopefully I'll feel up to going to class in the morning. It'll probably not be a good feeling to wake up at 7 AM to a ringing alarm clock, but at least I won't have an absence to worry about. :P

I know it's been a few days since I last blogged, and there are a couple of brief things I'd like to mention - besides my weekend.

Last week my dad and his girlfriend came to visit me at school, which I enjoyed very much. Our relationship seems to be improving and I'm VERY happy about that. After much though, I decided it was better to just get over the past and hope that things can get better instead of getting worse. So maybe things will continue to get better. At least that's what I'm hoping for.

Also, I've kinda gotten into the show the Walking Dead. I had always heard stuff about it from friends and on tv, but never really looked into it. Well, it just so happens that my boyfriend really likes it and Friday afternoon he decided to catch up on season two, which he missed when it was being aired. I really got into it, and now I like the show. A lot. Lol. It's looking like Bones won't be the only thing I watch on Netflix anymore.

Well, that's about it. I have a couple things coming up this week that I'm sure I'll blog about at a later date. So until then, stay healthy out there and I pray that none of you get the same crap I've been stuck with the past couple of days because it is awful.