Tuesday, April 30, 2013

I'm Back Again

So it's been a little while since I last blogged, but I've been so deeply buried in school work it's not even funny. Finals are next week and I've got two at the end of this week. Talk about lots of studying to do and plenty of stress to come with it.

Of course I can also chalk my writing absence to my amazing new 3DS. I've been hooked ever since I got it, and Matt just recently bought me the new Fire Emblem game and I must say I've been pretty busy fighting Risen and Plegians the past few days. Lol.

Anyway, all of that being said, I plan to catch up since school is almost over for the summer. I'll have a job, but it's only part time so that won't interfere much at all. Hopefully it'll be a thing for the whole summer and not just a two or three week thing though. I'm supposed to be working to pay off some buffing I had done to my Z28 after the wreck, but I could really use the extra money for the summer. :P

Next week will be my last week of my first college semester. It's kinda excited. I'm proud that I pulled through. I have to admit that in the beginning I hit a little snag of depression and worry that I wasn't ready for all of this yet, but I've come through it all. And I'm very proud of myself. Not only for that, but for several other things. Over the course of this semester I have stood up for myself in so many ways. I've began to figure out who my true friends are, and although the number keeps slimming, I'm okay with that. Yes, it's sad, but I'd rather have a handful of true friends than a whole mess of fake ones.

I've also become a bit more of a mature adult. I'm so young, and I've been through so much crap already in life, but it's all made me such a strong person Even though it caused me quite a bit of pain and heartache in the past, I wouldn't go back and change anything now because it's made me this great and strong person. I finally love who I am, and believe me when I say that's coming a long way from just a few years ago. Lol.

Ahhh. It felt good to get that out. And now I'm going to write all of that down into my journal where I'll have it on my shelf forever. :]

Monday, April 15, 2013

Test Looming Over Me

Yep... I have a big test today in my World Civ. class at twelve o'clock and I'm actually kinda nervous for it. Which, not to brag of anything, but that's really not normal for me because I'm always on top of things I do or have going on in class. Before college? I never had to study. However, college has opened up a whole new world of studying and test preparation for me that I'm severely not used to. Lol.

This is our second major test. The last one I made an 81 on, so that's decent... We had an essay at the end of the first one and on this one we're not having one. I think the essay was what killed me the first time which is completely not normal for me, but apparently my teacher is adamant about his dates...  :P Hopefully since this one will not have an essay and I'm pretty familiar with all of the things that will be on this test, I will make an A. Overachiever me and whatnot. Haha.

Soooo, yeah. Today was also the first day for persuasive speeches to be given. My speech date isn't until next Wednesday so I'm good, but the ones given today I had some mixed feelings about. Four people spoke today. Two of them were very well put together and had great topics. One I couldn't hear because of a very rude someone in the class was making too much noise for me to be able to hear the speaker... And the other was honestly absolutely awful. She probably failed....

Mine is on the nature vs nurture psychology argument - persuading my audience to take the nurture side - and I'm excited about it. The speech is well organized and I think it'll be really great.

Over the weekend I did a good bit of fun things. Friday I went out to eat with my dad, family, and Matt. It was really fun. We pranked my little sister at the mexican restaurant and told the people it was her birthday. They brought her fried ice cream and rubbed it all over her face. Lol!! Then I got a Nintendo 3DS, which I have been wanting for quite some time. I've been a pretty big nerd all weekend playing my Pokemon White game. Haha.

Saturday I went mud-ridding with Matt and some of our friends. It was soooo much fun. I haven't done that in a good while and I really enjoyed it. We got filthy, but it was worth it. Afterwards we ate crawfish, one of my personal favorite foods, and I had so many that my lips turned red and it looked like I was wearing lipstick, but they were great. :]

My weekend was awesome, and hopefully my week will be awesome, too. I'll probably find time at some point later in the week to blog again, so until then! :]

Wednesday, April 10, 2013

Sick of This, Sick of That

Sick of EVERYTHING! Just kidding... Not really everything. But a good little list of things... :P

I've been sick with a freaking cold for over a week now and it's about to drive me up the walls crazy! I guess I got it due to all of this crazy and bi-polar weather we've been having lately, but I really hate it. The main thing I despise about it though? My cold is about as bi-polar as the weather that gave it to me. One day I will feel great, then the next day I feel absolutely miserable. Yesterday was definitely one of the miserable days. It was so bad that whenever Matt picked me up from my dorm to drive me to class he took one look at me and said, "Baby, you need to go back to sleep." And he was right. I was soooo miserable yesterday. I woke up and couldn't even breathe out of my nose. I was sleep deprived because the night before I was constantly waking up because I couldn't freaking breathe. Plus I just felt so weak and tired. So I went back to my room and got about three more hours of sleep which REALLY helped me. I woke up close to eleven feeling decent enough to get up, cook, and do homework so that was a big improvement. Lol.

The next thing that I've grown tired of is this freaking weather. At least it's staying warm now, but now it's sunny off and on and I hate that. I know spring brings spring showers and all that jazz, but I want the sunshine spring brings. I need some happiness inducing vitamin D!! Not to mention I really miss being able to go lay out in the grass behind my dorm with Matt. Yeah, that's not nearly as nice when it's cloudy outside. Just sayin'.

But the final thing that I am sick of is school. I'm so ready for summer that I am about to burst. And even though I'll be working my whole summer break, that really doesn't matter to me. I need a serious break from school. Spring break was great, but I still had to come back a week later. I'm talking a good ole summer long break. I'll be done with my classes around May 10th, so that entails about a two and a half month long break from college. AH-MAZING! And I am so completely ready for that.

Well, sorry if this entry sounded like a hissy fit in writing, but I seriously needed to express all that crap. Lol. :P

Anywho, I have class soon so that about wraps up this post. Hopefully I will have a happier themed one to put up later in the week or over the weekend. Haha.

Monday, April 8, 2013

Just Have to Brag

Ok, so some of you may remember the post I did a while back about the couple that had been cheating on each other. Well, I just have to brag on my friend “Sally.”

About a week or two ago, she and I had a huge falling out whenever I went to stay the night at her house. I won’t go into all the details, but let’s just say a random guy showing up at her house at 3:30AM was involved… Anyway, I got suuupppppppeeeeeeer pissed off and just let her have it. I told her how the things she was doing were wrong and that if she didn’t stop it was going to destroy her life completely and that I could not and would not sit around and watch it happen. Then I left her house at nearly 4 o’clock in the morning, which is something I have NEVER done before.

APPARENTLY me doing that and her being faced with losing her best and only true friend made her open up her eyes and realized that she had to stop doing the things she was doing. So I have been texting her for the past hour or so and she has informed me that she told her spouse all about the lying and the cheating and everything else she had been doing. After I left her house that night she said all of the things that I said had been eating at her and she finally just could not take the pressure anymore, so she told the truth.

I am SO proud of her I cannot even begin to explain it. She’s now going to start working on turning her life around for the good and she has officially sworn off all the things that she was doing before. I now not only have hope for our friendship being salvaged, but I have hope for her. She knows now that she can’t carry on like that and I know that she has the willpower to pull through it all.

So yeah, I just had to brag on my dearest friend and how extremely proud of her I am right now. That is all. Good night. :]

Tuesday, April 2, 2013

It's Been a While...

Soooo.... The last time I blogged was a couple weeks ago, and I do apologize for the time gap. I've been wrapped up in all of my new little gadgets. Lol! I FINALLY have a smart phone and Temple Run 2 has me hooked. Plus, I keep finding all sorts of cool new features on Windows 8.

Anyway, my weekend was pretty crazy. There was good, but there was also bad. Unfortunately it wasn't a balance of the two either... :P

I won't really talk about all of the details. I've talked about them too much and I really just do not feel like rehashing them another time. But just know that I had a big fight with a friend and it has probably done some irreversible damage to our friendship. I really hope that I'm wrong about that, but I guess we'll see.

It's finally starting to feel like spring outside! I cannot express how happy that makes me. I love all of the fashion possibilities that winter creates, and fall is my favorite season, but it feels AH-MAZING to be able to wear shorts again. Lol.

Yesterday Matt and I got out on campus and enjoyed all of the warm weather. It was so nice. We went walking for a little over an hour. It was so much fun and we found some things on the campus that we never even knew were there.

Well, I suppose that's really about all. Maybe I  won't be so lacking in posts the rest of the week. :P