Thursday, November 29, 2012

30 Day Challenge

There's nothing like a challenge by your boyfriend to get you off your butt.

He proposed a plan to me the other night about doing things besides just sitting inside and playing video games or watching tv all the time. Every day for the next thirty days, we will both do at least one interesting thing a day that we don't normally do. Today is going to be my first day. Yesterday was his.

My "interesting thing" for the day will be me participating in the Christmas parade. I'm looking forward to it. I was in it last year, too and I really enjoyed it. The only thing that sucks about it is the cold, but at least I'll be doing something other than sitting in my room glued to the tv. :P

So in other news.... I made a big decision last night with Matt's (my boyfriend) help. Lately I've been kind of having a career choice crisis because I've been torn between what I want to do and what I know I should do because it's more practical. My dream career used to be writing. I wanted to be a writer and after the publication of a local author I thought, "Hey! I can do this!" However, I applied to an art school in Brookhaven, MS and wasn't accepted. I was really crushed from not getting in and for a long time afterwards I thought of my writing as a failure and didn't even want to attempt to write anything. I still really want to write, but I found something else I had an extreme passion for...

I have to give some credit to senior project because it's how I discovered said passion. Probably the only good thing that may have come from that stupid thing... But anyway, I did my project on tattoos. In the process I did a tattoo on an orange peel for my product part and I really enjoyed it. It's kind of like drawing with an electrical pencil. I wanted to go for it so bad, but I knew that it just wasn't practical and I was better off just to go into Early Childhood Education, which was my original plan.

But last night, out of the blue, Matt told me to go after it and be a tattoo artist. At first I was shocked and in disbelief. I called him and he meant what he'd said. I still hesitated and I almost cried from so much overwhelming emotion of confusion, frustration, and fright from being rejected again. I'm still a little scared, but it's like he said. I should at least try it. And so I'm going to. After going through a two year technical program for my back up plan degree then I'm going to try and get an apprenticeship somewhere so I can be liscensed and tattoo for an actual career.

In the meantime I'll be doing a lot of practicing with my art and hopefully take a couple of art classes in college for art/drawing/whatever.

For the record, I've drawn a few tattoo designs for people, so if you have any questions about a design you'd like drawn, you can always hit me up for it. I don't mind doing them at all. I actually have fun with them.

Well, that's all for today. I'm really enjoying this. Readers or not, this is fun and therapeutic, too. But if I do have readers, thanks for tuning in again! :]

Wednesday, November 28, 2012

Fruit Tofu!

Hello there! I think that maybe I should clarify what I'm going to use this thing for. Today I told a lot of people about the blog and told them how to find it, and the main question asked is "What's it about?"

This "online journal" as I referred to it yesterday, will be used for just about anything. After much thought, consideration, and mini heart attacks, I've decided to not only use it to express my thoughts, but also my voice. And I don't just mean vlogging. I'm talking about my singing voice. I've stayed in the shadows with it for far too long, and I'm starting to get more comfortable with singing in front of others, so as long as I don't talk myself out of it between now and saaaaayyyy...this weekend then I'll probably be posting the occasional video of me singing.

I know that yesterday I also said that this was for me, and it is. However, the singing is going to be tough for me... I'd really appreciate as much encouragement as I can get from my readers. It's already hard for me to be comfortable with my voice due to my EXTREME self-conciousness, but it would only be harder for me to be compelled to post videos if I recieved awful feedback. :P I found a very interesting thing on the trays of my school cafeteria. We had a fruit bowl thing for a fruit option at lunch, and in the mixture of fruits was this strange white thing that reminded me of tofu. I have no earthly idea what the fruit was supposed to be, but it had no taste and was very hard to pierce with a fork. After passing it around the table and poking it with my fork various times, it was discovered that NO ONE knew what this thing was. Sooo, I took the liberty of naming it "fruit tofu." It's pretty ridiculous I know, but that's the only thing I could come up with.

I also spent a lot of time applying for online scholarships today. And when I say a lot I really do mean a lot. It was pretty mind numbing to be honest. If you're a college student or a high school senior in need of some financial aid, I highly suggest you go sign up for the two sites I used though. They have some really great opportunities on them. Click here for the first website called and here for the other called Seriously, check them out.

For any of you who are readers and may have questions/comments that you don't want to post here or on facebook, I'll also give you my e-mail to reach me. I try to check it every day, so if you do send me an e-mail I will get back to you soon! You can reach me at

If you're back for the second time then thank you for reading! If I'm talking to air, then that's ok, too. :]

Tuesday, November 27, 2012

Let's Begin Again

This is my second blog, but this one I plan on sticking with. My first was called "World, Hear Me Roar" and this new one is titled "Art, Jesus, and ... What Else?" This new blog is going to be brutally honest. I will have everything I feel on it.

The last blog fell through because I felt like nobody was reading it, but honestly, this time around I could care less how many readers or followers I pick up along the way. This time around I'm doing it for myself. My blog will be something to help me get out my feelings and tell the truth about my life. It'll be sort of an online journal.

For whoever may read this, I'll just tell a little about myself.

My name is Karen. I'm currently 18 years old and coming into what the "adults" refer to as "real life". (Just a little heads up, it sucks. Seriously, somebody needs to create a de-aging potion or something...) I'm pretty short, but I don't mind. I have thick auburn hair and brown eyes.

I have quite the personality, but usually only those closest to me or those who read my journals/blogs know who I really am and what I'm really like (consider yourself lucky 'cause I'm awesome).

Some of my hobbies are reading, playing video games, hanging out with my friends/boyfriend, and Pinterest. Loooooooots of Pinterest. I have to admit that it is my addiction... -_-'

I guess those are the only introductions needed. I'll try to post daily, but don't hold me to that because sometimes I get busy or lazy (majority of the time it's the latter). To keep up with my posting, check here frequently or add me on Facebook. Look for Karen WoodElf Turnage. If you're not sure it's me, just check the profile because I'll be adding my blog to my page. You can also follow me on Pinterest for any other pinning addicts out there. It's connected through my facebook profile. Soon I'll be getting a google+, so I'll add that information on the next post.

Well, that's about it for the first post. If you're reading and plan on keeping up, awesome! Thank you for reading and feel free to comment/message me/add me on FB/whatever else. If nobody is reading this, then that's fine, too. This blog is for me. I'm just publicizing it for fun. :]