Thursday, March 21, 2013

Feelin' Good!

Today has been a really great day. Actually, it's been a really great week overall. :]

Yesterday was Matt's birthday and we went home for the night. It was really nice to go home for a night. We had a good bit of time to ourselves which was also really nice. He had a great day and I was there to share it with him. I got him a fishing rod that he really loved and of course he got other gifts from his family he also enjoyed. But yesterday was just a really good day.

Today was also a really good day. Class this morning was nice. I've spent a lot of time with a good friend of mine today, too. It was nice to just chill out with her. We've been getting close and are probably going to room together next semester in the dorms (and I'm really looking forward to that!!). I got my hair done today, too. It. Is. Gorgeous. I got it done for really cheap, too. There is a lab salon here for the cosmetology students and PRCC students get serious discounts for it. Lol. I got my hairstylsd for only $3. Crazy right? It's so awesome.

So yeah, it's been a really great week. :]

Monday, March 18, 2013

Back to Work

Yep. Unfortunately. :P

My spring break was really great. I spent most of my time relaxing, which was awesome. I got a lot of much needed rest. I also spent a good bit of time with my family and that was very nice because I don't get to do much of that anymore.

AAAANNNDDD, over spring break I got a new car (and a couple of other new things that I'll talk about too lol)!! It's really nice and I love it already. It's a silver Saturn Vue. Although I love my Z, this car has so many perks to it that my oldie didn't have. For example, the gas gauge on my Z was broken and so I had to keep track of my mileage, but my Saturn's gauge works! Lol. It also has electronic locks and MUCH better gas mileage. I absolutely love it! :D

I also got a new laptop and cell phone. However, when my dad and I went to pay for them neither were in stock. BUT! I'm coming home Wednesday for the night and I'm getting them then. I'm VERY happy to have both of them. I've been needing both for quite a while, so it feels awesome to know that in a couple of days I'll have a brand new laptop and cell phone.

Wednesday is Matt's birthday! He'll be 21!! Lol. But anyway, he and I are going home that night for his birthday and I'm really looking forward to it because I enjoy going home for a night every now and then. Sleeping in a bed that's comfy and being in a familiar, home environment is so much nicer than being in a dorm room around hundreds of people I don't know. :P

Oh, one more thing. Over spring break I got my hands on a GBA! Haha. So let's just say I've been playing it old school with the GBA and some of the older pokemon games the past week or so. :]

I didn't blog over the break because I kinda left my laptop at home a lot (where I don't have wi-fi or even good internet), but I plan to blog several times this week and get back into my normal blogging routine. So keep your eyes open if you're reading!

Friday, March 8, 2013

Spring Break!!!!!!!

WOOOOOOOOOOOT! Today started my spring break. :]

I am seriously looking forward to a week off of school. And after this week, I need a break. Lol.

Things have been pretty difficult for me this week. I've been trying to get any school work I had to do finished so that I would have nothing school related to worry about over the break. My uncle had a seizure. He hasn't had one in a long time and this one was pretty bad, but thank goodness he's ok. My grandma has been through a lot this week. I'm really close to her and so it's been tough for me to deal with. She had a heart doctor appt this week and the doctor decided to do a heart cath. Well, in this heart cath they found two blockages in the main artery of her heart. So they had to do surgery Thursday morning and she's been in the hospital since then. It's been really hard on me knowing that my nanny has been through all of that and I haven't seen her at all yet. There's been other things, too, but I don't really care to talk about them. Just know that they were unpleasant . . .

Anyway, tomorrow I'll be going to the hospital to see my nanny. I'm the only one that hasn't been to see her since the surgery and I'm really looking forward to finally going to see her. It's been very stressful on me to know that she's been going through all of this. :P

Also, my mom is staying with her at the hospital for a few days. So, I'm staying at my dad's house this weekend. It's a little odd being back here since I haven't spent a night under this roof since August of last year, but at the same time it's nice. My relationship with my dad has improved tremendously. Things are going great and I think this weekend will be really good. Not only will I be with him, but I'll also be with my sisters. They just recently started staying with him again over the weekends, so I haven't been able to see them the past couple of weeks when I came home.

Over spring break, I plan to do a lot of relaxing and video game playing. Lol.

So that's all the big things I have to report for now. I'll try to keep up with blogging over the break, but no promises. But to those of you who also have spring break this week, have fun and be safe!!

Monday, March 4, 2013

Keep on Keeping on

So this is the week before spring break. Our spring break lasts for a whole week and I cannot describe how much I'm looking forward to a week of sitting home on my butt not worrying about class or homework or anything else to do with school. It is going to be absolutely glorious.

However, I have to get through this week first. :P

Apparently all of my teachers are pretty ready for this week to end too though because several have already cancelled class on Friday. That didn't hurt my feelings a bit either. Lol.

I really do need a break from school. All of this homework I've had piled on top of me lately is MIND NUMBING. I have so freaking much to worry about with my classes. My friends and Matt keep telling me that it's just because I'm taking my basics right now, and I seriously hope they're right about that. Next semester I've only got one more basic class to take and once I get that out of the way it'll just be my child care program classes and then I'm done! I'm shooting to graduate next May, but that all depends on how many child care classes I've got left (fingers and toes crossed that it's no more than nine or ten).

Being away from my home and my own room has really made me realize the things I love most about being home. I miss those things so much. Every. Day.

1. I miss having a freaking kitchen to cook in.
2. I miss having my xbox to play anytime that I want.
3. I miss having my mom there to make me food if I ask.
4. I SERIOUSLY miss my alone time and privacy.
5. I actually miss my crazy - and sometimes annoying - sisters.

Yeah. Those are the top five. Of course there are plenty more, but those are the ones that stand out the most. Although I plan to change at least one of those things next semester by giving in and getting a tv for my dorm room and I will, without a doubt, be bringing my xbox with me. Lol.

Ahhh. College is nice and all, but I'm in some major need of this spring break next week. I really hope this week doesn't drag by because I just might go crazy. :P