Wednesday, April 10, 2013

Sick of This, Sick of That

Sick of EVERYTHING! Just kidding... Not really everything. But a good little list of things... :P

I've been sick with a freaking cold for over a week now and it's about to drive me up the walls crazy! I guess I got it due to all of this crazy and bi-polar weather we've been having lately, but I really hate it. The main thing I despise about it though? My cold is about as bi-polar as the weather that gave it to me. One day I will feel great, then the next day I feel absolutely miserable. Yesterday was definitely one of the miserable days. It was so bad that whenever Matt picked me up from my dorm to drive me to class he took one look at me and said, "Baby, you need to go back to sleep." And he was right. I was soooo miserable yesterday. I woke up and couldn't even breathe out of my nose. I was sleep deprived because the night before I was constantly waking up because I couldn't freaking breathe. Plus I just felt so weak and tired. So I went back to my room and got about three more hours of sleep which REALLY helped me. I woke up close to eleven feeling decent enough to get up, cook, and do homework so that was a big improvement. Lol.

The next thing that I've grown tired of is this freaking weather. At least it's staying warm now, but now it's sunny off and on and I hate that. I know spring brings spring showers and all that jazz, but I want the sunshine spring brings. I need some happiness inducing vitamin D!! Not to mention I really miss being able to go lay out in the grass behind my dorm with Matt. Yeah, that's not nearly as nice when it's cloudy outside. Just sayin'.

But the final thing that I am sick of is school. I'm so ready for summer that I am about to burst. And even though I'll be working my whole summer break, that really doesn't matter to me. I need a serious break from school. Spring break was great, but I still had to come back a week later. I'm talking a good ole summer long break. I'll be done with my classes around May 10th, so that entails about a two and a half month long break from college. AH-MAZING! And I am so completely ready for that.

Well, sorry if this entry sounded like a hissy fit in writing, but I seriously needed to express all that crap. Lol. :P

Anywho, I have class soon so that about wraps up this post. Hopefully I will have a happier themed one to put up later in the week or over the weekend. Haha.

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